
Église Notre-Dame-la-Grande


Notre-Dame-la-Grande is the jewel of the city of Poitiers. The splendor and brilliance of its beautiful XNUMXth century facade, now restored, meticulously sculpted, finds here its most perfect form of Romanesque Poitevin architecture. It reads like a picture book and tells the story of the Bible, that of the apostles, two bishops and finally, Christ in Majesty.

The frescoes in the vault of the choir date from the 12th century, the paintings in the nave and the side aisles from 1851.

The Tourist Office offers guided tours all year round (adult/child groups, by theme, at night, etc.).


Conditions of visit: Free tour

Further information

Type of site/monument/small heritage: Church
Église Notre-Dame-la-Grande
Place Charles de Gaulle