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Approach! Listen to our advices for the the best experiences in Vienneto live unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Whether it's a nature, origianl, fun, gourmet or festive activity, find happiness for your next vacation. Use the search filters to find a real gem.

©Pomme Verte - Libellab
ACADEMIC BACKGROUND & CAREER Tèrra Aventura in Saint-Remy-sur-Creuse ©Bastien SAUVE – Agence Zebrelle

If you are looking for a walk that can suit the whole family, bet on geocaching with Tèrra Aventura. In Saint…

Let's go !
Hike Lama with La Belle Anée ©Pomme-verte

Today, we present to you an unusual walk: the "Lama'Rando". The principle ? Explore the paths of the country …

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Chasseigne Mill ©ACAP

Between Paris and Bordeaux, located in the department of Vienne, Poitiers is full of historical and architectural treasures…

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Vagabond Hours 2024 ©CD 86

For its 20th edition, the Heures Vagabondes Festival took place between July 11 and August 3, 2024 in…

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Fortress of Angles-sur-l'Anglin ©Pomme Verte LibelLab
Pets welcome

Nestled between the valleys of the Vienne and La Gartempe, three exceptional villages boast world-renowned heritage…

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Have a drink on the terrace in Poitiers ©Agence Zébrelle – Tom Lambert

To enjoy the summer as it should be, find a selection of 10 relaxing places to have a drink with friends or…

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Park Overview ©Futuroscope

The Futuroscope Park is more than 40 attractions to fill up on fun and travel in unique universes...

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Along the sound in Civray ©Marion VALIERE-LOUDIY – Agence Zebrelle

For 20 years, the Au Fil du Son festival in Civray, a major musical event in the department, has been a feast for the eyes and…

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Lencloître biscuit factory - Christmas baubles ©Iboocréation

Christmas is often an opportunity to go all out! Between fine products and delicacies: tru…

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The 3 photos of the month

Family mosaic workshop ©Amélie R. Photographies, Pomme Verte
Expériences Famille
I try the experiment
Stay at Futuroscope, Poitiers ©Pomme verte-LibelLab
I book my Stay
Here is a selection of videos to inspire you

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Go on a family adventure to the Valley of the Apes
Try the experience after dark at the Abbey of Saint-Savin
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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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