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Approach! Listen to our advices for the the best experiences in Vienneto live unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Whether it's a nature, origianl, fun, gourmet or festive activity, find happiness for your next vacation. Use the search filters to find a real gem.

©Pomme Verte - Libellab
Ecolaby VS Cradolaby ©
Accessible to disabled persons Accessible by stroller

Located in the heart of the Civrais countryside, 40 kilometers south of the historic town of Poitiers, and 15 minutes from…

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Escape Game in Poitiers, Eleanor's Treasure ©ACAP

The city of Poitiers is also famous for Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was Queen of France then of England, and from where she…

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Moncontour washhouse trails, Tèrra Aventura ©Tom LAMBERT – Agence Zébrelle

The Moncontour washhouse path has several surprises in store, in the heart of a picturesque village, crossed by several…

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DefiPlanet in Dienne ©Thomas Jelinek – Agence-Zebrelle

The DéfiPlanet' park in Dienné invites you to one or more days of total disconnection in a natural setting, in the s…

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Family Experience: Who is this Knight at the Chateau de Ternay ©Thomas JELINEK – Agence Zebrelle

At the Château de Ternay in the North of the Vienne, it's a real investigation that takes place with the family. Participate in a school game…

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Tèrra Aventura "The Yellow Sunflower Affair" ©Agence Zébrelle – Thomas Jelinek

If you haven't yet succumbed to "madness" Tèrra Aventura like more than 3 million players in New Aquitaine…

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ACADEMIC BACKGROUND & CAREER Tèrra Aventura in Saint-Remy-sur-Creuse ©Bastien SAUVE – Agence Zebrelle

If you are looking for a walk that can suit the whole family, bet on geocaching with Tèrra Aventura. In Saint…

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Karmanor's secret at Château de Monthoiron ©Thomas JELINEK – Agence Zébrelle

Only 15 minutes from Châtellerault, in the heart of the castle of Monthoiron stands a magical forest. In this beautiful afternoon...

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A nightingale has been stolen, Montmorillonais Ecomuseum ©Thomas Jelinek – Agence-Zebrelle

Very close to Montmorillon, the Montmorillonnais ecomuseum in Saulgé works to preserve the local rural heritage…

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The 3 photos of the month

Family mosaic workshop ©Amélie R. Photographies, Pomme Verte
Expériences Famille
I try the experiment
Stay at Futuroscope, Poitiers ©Pomme verte-LibelLab
I book my Stay
Here is a selection of videos to inspire you

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Go on a family adventure to the Valley of the Apes
Try the experience after dark at the Abbey of Saint-Savin
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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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