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Approach! Listen to our advices for the the best experiences in Vienneto live unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Whether it's a nature, origianl, fun, gourmet or festive activity, find happiness for your next vacation. Use the search filters to find a real gem.

©Pomme Verte - Libellab
Unusual stay in pursuit of the white diamond at DéfiPlanet ©Thomas JELINEK – Agence Zebrelle

Located 30 minutes from the city of Poitiers, the DéfiPlanet' nature park is full of activities and surprises for stays…

Let's go !
Château-Larcher Medieval Fair ©Bastien SAUVE – Agence Zebrelle

The small village of Château-Larcher, labeled “Small Towns of Character”, takes a leap into the past with its tradition…

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Château-Larcher Medieval Fair ©Agence Zébrelle – Bastien Sauve

Nestled in the Poitevin region, discover the charming village of Château-Larcher and its historical remains. Over the years…

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Baptistery of Saint-Jean in Poitiers ©ACAP

Located in the department of Vienne, Poitiers is full of history and charm. With its cobbled streets, monuments…

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Aperitif - local products from Poitou at the Moulin de la Glacière ©Ludovic Plault & Moulin de la glacière

Wines, cheeses, ducks, jams, beer, oil… Quality local products, worked by producers…

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Family fun ©Amelie R. Photographies-Pomme-verte

Do you like playing with the family and unusual accommodation? This stay in the Ludogite of La Baudo in Gizay is made for…

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Domaine de Roiffe ©Domaine de Roiffé

The north of the Vienne conceals many nuggets, including the Domaine de Roiffé, a complex with multiple facets. Accommodation, r…

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Floating Village of Pressac ©Clo et Clem

On the water, in the trees, in a round house, a yurt, a treehouse, a star square or a…

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Historic city of Lusignan ©Thomas JELINEK – Agence Zebrelle

Located about twenty km from Poitiers, the cradle of the legend of the fairy Mélusine will not fail to surprise you with its…

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The 3 photos of the month

Family mosaic workshop ©Amélie R. Photographies, Pomme Verte
Expériences Famille
I try the experiment
Stay at Futuroscope, Poitiers ©Pomme verte-LibelLab
I book my Stay
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Go on a family adventure to the Valley of the Apes
Try the experience after dark at the Abbey of Saint-Savin
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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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