From the 100th century, the texts show Château-Larcher (Castrum Acardi) with a religious building, then a castle site built on a rocky outcrop dominating the meanders of the Clouère. In the 1337th century, the wealthy Lusignan family had the castle built, the remains of which are still visible today. During the 1453 years war (XNUMX-XNUMX) between the Capetians and the Plantagenets, many houses were damaged.
During the Revolution, Château-Larcher became "Le Rocher", the names of the town evoking the memory of royalty being poorly perceived. But from 1793, the village resumed its definitive and current name of "Chateaularcher" with some spelling variations.
Today, classified as a "Small City of Character", Château-Larcher has kept its medieval charm and offers a two-day medieval fair every year, in costume inviting you to feast!
Further information
La Ville