
Musée Renaudot

Located in the house of Théophraste Renaudot (XNUMXth century), the museum retraces the life of the founder of the French Press.

Ordinary physician to King Louis XIII in 1612 and Commissioner General of the Poor of the Kingdom, he settled in Paris. Thanks to Richelieu, in 1631 he founded the first printed newspaper in France: the Gazette. He is also at the origin of many "innocent inventions" (ANPE, classified ads, Mont-de-Piété).

To see, a 1631th century hand press and many documents. Unique experience: printing the first Gazette of XNUMX.

You can also visit the cellar and the medicinal garden.

Every year in November, the Renaudot prize for high school students is awarded in Loudun. Equivalent for young people of the illustrious literary prize.

To discover: Loudun and its rich heritage.

Practical information

French, English
Pets welcome

The rates

Free visit: €2
Guided tour: €4
Visit - under 18s: free
Children’s workshop: €2
Adult workshop: €5


Conditions of visit: Free visit, Guided visit
Languages ​​spoken for the visit: French, English

Channels and labels

Further information

Location: Accessible on foot from the Tourist Office, In the city center
Type of site/monument/small heritage: House and building
Museum themes: Crafts, History, Literature, Professions, Health, Science and technology
Type of additional equipment: Site / monument, Guided tour of town, village
Services : Shop
Activity: Specific thematic animation, Workshop for adults, Workshop for children, Conferences, Temporary exhibitions
Payment Methods: Bank and postal checks, Cash
Musée Renaudot
2 Petite rue du Jeu de Paume
86200 LOUDUN