Tales and legends

Tèrra Aventura : Néomaye aux pieds palmés

Tèrra Aventura, the free treasure hunt, accessible to all!

Scorbé dates back to the time of Roman domination. Clairvaux depended on an important seigniory from the 11th century. It was in the 18th century that the two names were united.

The Dungeon of Haut Clairvaux dates from the 11th century and measures 28m in height, offering a breathtaking view of the territory. You will meet Zéroik there who is looking for the only daughter of the lord of Clairvaux and Baussay who has disappeared.

Nice 2 km walk.

Practical information

French, English
Pets welcome
Game difficulty 2 out of 5
0-2 km

Channels and labels

Further information

Location: In the countryside, In the village
How come: Scorbe-Clairvaux
Terrain difficulty Tèrra Aventura : Level 2
Practice modes Tèrra Aventura : Walking
Facilities: Parking
Tèrra Aventura : Néomaye aux pieds palmés
Le Haut Clairvaux
Le Haut Clairvaux