All restaurants in the Vienne
Gastronomy, regional specialties or, world cuisine, sit around a table and taste the delicious dishes prepared with care by the chefs of the Vienne. Gastronomic, Bistronomic or more Traditional, whatever the cuisine, the restaurateurs of the Vienne will awaken your taste buds.

At table !
What are we eating today?

Take a gourmet and poetic break at the Orangeries

Where do we eat?

What if we ate Gourmet?
All the Flavors of the World
Vegetarian and Vegan, you have the choice!
At the Table of a Traditional Kitchen
Bistrot + Gastronomic = Bistronomic
Take a world tour of gastronomy at Lucullus
On the Terrace of a Restaurant
Restaurants accessible to all
Enjoy a Picnic in the Vienne
Your four-legged friends are welcome at their tables