On the way to the Path of Eleanor
Nature escape

The Path of Eleanor provides the connection between the Loire à Vélo (EV6) in Montsoreau and the Scandibérique (EV3) in Châtellerault. This route follows the Green Line, a former railway line between Châtellerault and Loudun. Transformed into a cycling and hiking trail, it offers an ideal playground and discovery area for bikes. Get on your horse and discover the treasures of the Vienne on this historic path!
What is the Path of Eleanor?
The Chemin d'Eleanor is a route that connects two major European cycle routes, the Loire by bike et the Scandibérique. This cycle path located on the borders of three “historical regions”: Poitou, Anjou and Touraine, crosses major places such as Châtellerault, Monts-sur-Guesnes, Loudun, Fontevraud, Candes-Saint-Martin, etc. This route benefits from a remarkable historical, cultural and natural setting!
Why “Eleanor”?
Major character in French history, Eleanor of Aquitaine has left its mark in the Poitevin region. On the borders of Poitou and the Loire Valley, you will pass by the Fontevraud Abbey, Eleanor of Aquitaine spent her last years there and you can find her tomb in the heart of the abbey church.
Continue your journey to discover the Château de Monts sur Guesnes who received Eleanor and thus discover in a fun way the story of this Queen of France and one of her sons, Richard the Lionheart. Along this historic route, you will discover the story of an emblematic queen.
The route of the Aliénor Path
90 km long, including almost 80 km in the Vienne, the route of the Chemin d’Eleanor suit the green Line over 42 km, an old railway line linking Châtellerault to La Roche-Rigault.
18 towns or cities are crossed in the Vienne to ensure reception and services to road users with establishments bearing the brand “Bicycle Welcome”.